Diversity at ETH Zurich

We are committed to offering every ETH member the same opportunities to study, do research and work successfully at ETH Zurich.

Current Topics and events

June is Pride Month

ETH Building with pride flag and text saying Happy Pride Month

Various events and activities are organised around the world during Pride Month to draw attention to the rights of LGBTQIA+ people and communities. Our team will be present at the Zurich Pride Festival on June 14 and 15. Learn more and come by!

New guides for sustainable and inclusive events

The three guides for “Sustainable and Inclusive Events” support organisers of ETH events in making a contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals. They include measures on environmental aspects, diversity and accessibility.

Equality Monitoring 2023

Deco image Equality Monitoring

Equality Monitoring 2023 is now online and available in an interactive format for the first time. To the results 2023

Apply for a Robert Gnehm Grant

Robert Gnehm Grants

Researchers and technical-administrative staff with young children can apply for a Robert Gnehm Grant to cover additional expenses for childcare, e.g. for conference visits or further education. For 2024 there are in total 15 grants. Apply now!

Inclusive Language

Gender-sensitive and non-discriminatory language

Everything you need to know about gender-sensitive and non-discriminatory language at universities and ETH Zurich can be found on our new subpage.

Good to Know

Gender-neutral toilets

In Switzerland and at ETH, everyone is permitted to use the toilets that correspond with their gender identity. If you prefer gender-neutral toilets, please find a detailed list here.

Gender/Diversity Balance at Conferences

Gender/diversity balance at conferences facilitates a broad range of topics in your field and the discussion among experts. The Equal! Checklist Download?Organising a Conference? How to Make it Gender/Diversity Balanced? (PDF, 60 KB) contains practical hints for organising a conference and further readings.

ABC of Inclusion in Teaching

This ABC is intended to support lecturers to improve how they interact with a diverse group of students.  

Compatibility of work and care at ETH Zurich

ETH Zurich likes to show its positive appreciation for its employees with caring responsibilities and endeavours to help them to combine working and caring. Here you find further information on recommendations for employees with care responsibilities by ETH Zurich.

Maternity Conversation Guidelines

Whether you are expecting a baby and have a few questions about your rights and duties as an employee and expectant mother, or you are a supervisor who wants to find out about the rules and regulations that are in place at ETH Zurich, you will find a summary of the most important information here.


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